策展人:朱朱 Curator: Zhu Zhu 参展艺术家(按音序排名): Participating Artists (in alphabetical order) 艾未未 Ai Weiwei 包泡 Bao Pao 薄云 Bo Yun 陈延生 Chen Yansheng 何宝森 He Baosen 黄锐 Huang Rui 李爽 Li Shuang 马德升 Ma Desheng 毛栗子 Mao Lizi 曲磊磊 Qu Leilei 邵飞 Shao Fei 宋红 Song Hong 王克平 Wang Keping 尹光中 Yin Guangzhong 严力 Yan Li 杨益平 Yang Yiping 赵刚 Zhao Gang 主 办 :南京艺事后素现代美术馆 Organizer:White Canvas Gallery 协 办:北京今日美术馆 Co-sponsor:Beijing Today Art Museum 展览日期:2007年11月18日-11月28日,每日10:00-17:00 Duration:10:00-17:00,18th Nov.-28th Nov.,2007 开幕式时间:2007年11月20日下午三点 Opening Ceremony:3pm,20th Nov.,2007 展览地点:北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号今日美术馆二层 Venue:Beijing Today Art Museum(the 2nd floor) 电 话:025-83723508 010-58760600-6035 Contact:025-83723508 010-58760600-6035 网 站:www.todayartmuseum.com Website:www.todayartmuseum.com 媒体支持:今日艺术网www.artnow.com.cn Media Support:www.artnow.com.cn 70年代末到80年代初的星星画会可以视为文革以来中国第一个真正的现代主义艺术运动,它不仅承载了具有转折意义的艺术价值,也在事实上担任了记录特定历史时期社会政治风貌的媒质。 本次展览汇集星星成员1985年之前创作的近百件作品,呈现那段特定历史时期的艺术运动,站在今天的视角重新审视这项艺术运动,挖掘更宽泛更深沉的社会历史意义;另外借助星星画会这一课题的探讨,以历史性的姿态重省当代艺术的发展历程,思考中国当代艺术的根源性、本土性问题。 “Stars Group” dated from the end of the 1970’s to the beginning of the 1980’s could be considered the first real art movement of the Modernism since the Culture Revolution in China, it doesn’t only carry the art value of a turning point, but also marks the political scene of the society of a special period of the history. This exhibition collects almost a hundred works created before 1985 by the members of Stars Group, on one hand, they show the art movement of that special period of time and review this movement standing on the contemporary angle of view., search for some deeper meaning of the history and the society; On the other hand, by discussing over “Stars Group” again, these works question the development of contemporary art with a historical gesture, reflect the origin and the metropolitan territory of Chinese art of nowadays. “一代人”诗歌朗诵会 (朦胧诗•当代中国诗歌) “Our Generation” Poetry Reading (Misty Poetry•Contemporary Chinese Poetry) 时间:2007年11月20日下午4点 Time: 4pm,20th Nov.,2007 地点:北京今日美术馆一层 Venue:Beijing Today Art Museum(1st floor) |