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地址:北京朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798工厂内 北京当代唐人艺术中心 展览日期:2007年4月22号——5月16号


有陈文波、俸正杰、郭伟、郭晋、何森、李季、毛旭辉、潘德海、沈小彤、唐志刚、忻海洲、杨谦、叶永青、曾浩、张晓刚、张小涛、赵能智、周春芽(排名按照拼音顺序)参加的“从新具像到新绘画”展览将于4月21日至5月16日在北京当代唐人艺术中心展出,展览将对上个世纪80年代中期新潮美术中的一个重要展览“新具像”画展以来的绘画现象进行一次学术梳理,关注这个发展过程不同艺术家的发展道路和独特的风格演变。 “新具像”展览之后出现的艺术群体以及艺术活动,是85新潮的重要组成部分。随着时间的流逝,这些艺术家走上了各自不同的艺术道路,最初就已经显露出来的差异在以后的艺术实践中形成了截然不同的艺术取向和艺术风格,成为当今新绘画的代表人物,并产生影响。二十二年之后今天,将历史的图像与每个艺术家今天的艺术进行对比,并对这段历史给予重新梳理,成为艺术史的一个很有意义的课题。湖南美术出版社拟出版《从新具像到新绘画》一书,计划于2007年4月出版。首发式将与该展览同时举行。

Artistes :Chen Wenbo、Feng Zhengjie、Guo Wei、Guo Jin、He Sen、Li Ji、Mao Xuhui、Pan Dehai、Shen Xiaotong、Tang Zhigang、Xin Haizhou、Yang Qian、Ye Yongqing、Zeng Hao、Zhang Xiaogang、Zhang Xiaotao、Zhao Nengzhi、Zhou Chunya.

Curator:Lv Peng         Tang Contemporary Art
address:798 factory, 2 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang Dst., Beijing Opening: April 21st,2007——May 16th,2007
Time:10:30am —— 18:30pm

From New Figurative Image to New Painting

The exhibition “From New Figurative Image to New Painting ” which featuring 18 artists Chen Wenbo,Feng Zhengjie, Guo Wei, Guo Jin, He Sen, Li Ji, Mao Xuhui, Pan Dehai, Shen Xiaotong, Tang Zhigang, Xin Haizhou, Yang Qian,Ye Yongqing, Zeng Hao,Zhang Xiaogang, Zhang Xiaotao, Zhao Nengzhi, Zhou Chunya will be held in Tang Contemporary Art Beijing from 21th April to 16th May. One of the purposes of the exhibition is to do a retrospective survey and review on the history of the development of painting since the time of an important exhibition “ New Figurative Image” that was held in mid of 1980’s, the focus will also be on the later on different courses and unique styles each participant artist has developed since then. The artist’s groups and various art movements emerged after the “ New Figurative Image” exhibition were important part of “85’ New Wave Movement”. Along with the elapse of time, those artists have gone to different ways of doing art. The initial diversity among those artists in terms of artistic practices has led to the complete different artistic approaches and styles afterwards. However, they have all become representative figures of contemporary new painting genre, and impose their influences upon today’s art scene.

Today, after 22 years, the exhibition will juxtapose each artist’s new work along with the old one they have done years ago, to make a comparison, and also to make a review of that period. It shall become an interesting task for academicians and art critics as well to study thoroughly of the phenomenon. Hunan Fine Art Publishing House will also publish the book From New Figurative Image to New Painting, the date of publishing is planning to set in phase with the exhibition which will be in April.


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